Grenada Housing Update
The Government of Grenada through the Ministry of Social Development has implemented the following projects and procedures to address the
housing needs of our citizens.
- Establishment of an Emergency Housing Committee charged with the responsibility of reviewing all housing proposals and pledges
submitted to Government, reviewing and agreeing on construction plans and designs for low income housing in accordance with the standards
and principles of the Grenada and post Hurricane Ivan Building Codes and the development and implementation of an Emergency Housing
- During the period November 2004 to February 2005 the construction of 225 low income homes for priority vulnerable and needy
families at a maximum cost of $15,000 per home.
- The provision of Material Assistance for the repair of 1,125 roofs for low income/vulnerable families during the period November
2004 to February 2005, at a maximum cost of $5,000 per home.
- Establishment of a Soft Loan Facility to be administered and implemented by the Housing Authority of Grenada under the following
terms and conditions.
Maximum loan amount $40,000
Loan Repayment Period of ten years with one year grace period
Interest rate of three percent
Application forms available at end of December 2004
- Commencement of the construction of the Venezuelan Model House and 130 homes in the Parish of St. David’s
- Establishment of a Model House Demonstration Village at Frequente and construction of model low income homes in different parishes
- Construction of Model Wooden Demonstration House with all hurricane resistance principles to be taken around the Country on a
truck for viewing
- Continue with different Phases to construction 10,000 low income homes during the next five years
Ministry of Social Development, December 3, 2004