When the Elected Councilors of the Falkland Islands, a UK Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic, many thousands of miles from Grenada, heard the news of the devastation caused by Hurricane Ivan, they quickly sought to help, recognizing the need of a fellow small Commonwealth country with limited resources.

The Islands Executive Council recommended to the Standing Finance Committee that they make a donation to help the international relief effort. The Committee readily agreed to donate the islands full Disaster Relief Budget of Five Thousand Pounds sterling (approximately EC$25,000) to Grenada. They asked for a small, stand alone project to be identified to which they could contribute, perhaps in the area of education.

With the help of the Ministry of Education, the Community Library in the St. John s Parish was identified as a worthy project. The Library, intended to serve both pupils and teachers in all schools in the area, was nearing completion when Ivan the Terrible struck. The donation will help to restore the building, enabling it to open and serve the community.

At a brief ceremony held at the Ministry of Education on Friday 4th March, Resident British Commissioner Mr. Vic Wallis, presented the CHEQUE to Minister for Education and Labour, Hon Claris Charles, and Ms. Jeanette Dubois of the St. John s Library Committee.

Ministry of Education
March 04, 2005