Belgium to assist Grenada Government The Government of Belgium will provide funding to Grenada and the wider Caribbean to assist with reconstruction and development. This was announced this morning after a meeting between Grenada’s Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, and Belgian Foreign Minister His Excellency Monsieur Karel De Gucht. Prime Minister Mitchell has asked the Belgian government to focus their assistance on youth development. Prime Minister Mitchell told Monsieur De Gucht, that the Grenada Government is planning to focus much of its reconstruction and development programmes on the young people of Grenada. Prime Minister Mitchell says this is of paramount importance to the overall development of the country as young people are the ones who will have to take the country forward. Prime Minister Mitchell has also got a commitment from the Belgian Government which will benefit young people throughout the region. Belgium has also promised to provide funding and assistance for the Caribbean Knowledge Learning Network (CKLN). The CKLN is an initiative which will increase distance learning opportunities and improve information technology throughout the Caribbean. Prime Minister Mitchell has chosen to travel to Brussels at a time when European Union leaders are all gathered there, in an effort to broaden knowledge among leaders about Grenada’s plight after Hurricane Ivan. Prime Minister Mitchell was accompanied by Grenada’s Ambassador to Belgium and the European Community, Her Excellency Ms. Joan-Marie Coutain, Chief Executive Officer of the Agency for Reconstruction and Development, Mr. Richardson Andrews, and CKLN official Ken Sylvester.
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